ballot measures

In the United States, a ballot measure is a law or question that voters decide on during statewide or local elections. Each state has its own rules for these measures because there isn't a national process for them.

Ballot measures are a great way to create significant change.

They allow people to make NEW RULES

without depending on the two main political parties,


There are two ways issues can be put on your ballot:

  • Citizen-initiated measures: People gather signatures to put an issue on the ballot.

  • Legislative measures: Lawmakers vote to add a new law or change to the ballot.

Ballot measures are a tool of a more direct participatory democracy, meaning a form of government that bases laws and policies of the majority of eligible voters rather than a few.

The VLABF team is focused on ballot measures that advance reproductive rights and move us towards Black liberation.

three states with ballot measures where you should pay attention:


NO - Amendment 1: Shifts school board elections to partisan races.

YES Amendment 3: Allows access to recreational marijuana.

YES - Amendment 4: Expands abortion restrictions.


1. Require Partisan Primaries Amendment: Mandates partisan primary elections for partisan offices.

2. Signature Distribution Requirement for Initiatives Amendment: Sets new rules for signature gathering for citizen-initiated ballot measures, potentially making it harder to petition.

3. Emergency Declarations Amendment: Allows the legislature to end or modify emergency powers granted to the governor during non-war, flood, or fire emergencies.


Question 1: Removes constitutional status of the Board of Regents, giving the state legislature authority over state universities' governance.

Question 3: Implements open top-five primaries and ranked-choice voting for general elections.

Question 4: Repeals language in the Nevada Constitution allowing slavery and involuntary servitude as criminal punishments.

Question 5: Amends the Sales and Use Tax of 1955 to exempt child and adult diapers from sales tax.

This list is not a comprehensive overview and/or endorsement of any ballot measure.