In response, Black Feminist Future (BFF) centers the demands and visions of Black women, girls, and gender-expansive people, striving to foster new possibilities within our democracy.

Four years after the global pandemic and the civil unrest triggered by the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, the conditions for Black people continue to deteriorate; Sonya Massey should still be alive. Inflation keeps rising with no end in sight, rents are too high, and key civil rights laws are being rolled back. We are moving backward in time. In every election, democracy is at risk, but this Presidential election is crucial. It will affect the next several generations. There is a chance for a more conservative-leaning Supreme Court than we already have. A conservative presidential candidate is openly saying they will punish their opponents, get rid of the Department of Justice and the Department of Education, and more.

The 2025 Plan is not something to ignore.

Our Goal

The power of organizing is central to our path to get free. When we organize, we energize our base to activate their communities to create opportunities to shift our material conditions. 

Guided by past and current Black feminist electoral champions, Black Feminist Future has created Vote Like A Black Feminist (VLABF): a 4-point guide that encourages you to apply your Black feminist values in navigating the electoral space.

This four point guide is how we win:

Step 1:

Make a plan

Step 2:

Vote Down Ballot

Step 3:

Support Your Squad 

This November and beyond, prepare, think, organize, build, and Vote Like A Black Feminist.

Step 4:

Apply Pressure

  • Get prepared like Shirley Chisholm

    Shirley Chisholm, the first African American woman elected to Congress and to seek a major party's presidential nomination, exemplified how setting a clear vision for social justice can overcome significant barriers and make a lasting impact, as captured by her motto, "Unbought and Unbossed."

    Shirley Chisholm made a plan to run for President in 1972 centered on building a broad coalition of marginalized communities, including African Americans, women, and young people, to challenge the political status quo. Her platform focused on civil rights, women's rights, ending the Vietnam War, and promoting economic justice. Despite facing significant racism and sexism, her campaign relied on grassroots mobilization, media outreach, and small donor fundraising to make a historic impact and inspire future generations. Another time Chisholm made a plan was when she filed a lawsuit against media networks for equal access when she was denied from going on the debate stages and positively impacted regulations to be more inclusive.

  • Think locally and nationally like Fannie Lou Hamer

    Fannie Lou Hamer was a civil rights activist whose local and practical approach through the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party showcased the effectiveness of grassroots solutions in addressing community needs.

    Fannie Lou Hamer, a civil rights activist, became widely known for her tireless efforts to secure voting rights for African Americans in the 1960s. Her method of voting down-ballot, or voting for all candidates of a particular party from top to bottom, was driven by her commitment to the Democratic Party, which she believed was more aligned with the civil rights movement's goals. Hamer emphasized the importance of participating in all levels of elections, from national to local, to ensure comprehensive representation and progress for African Americans and marginalized communities.

  • Get organized like Ella Baker

    As a pivotal Civil Rights movement organizer she emphasized grassroots organizing and founded key organizations like the SCLC and SNCC to empower ordinary people and drive social change.

    Ella Baker supported her squad by empowering local leaders and emphasizing the importance of community-based organizing, believing that ordinary people should lead their own movements. She mentored and trained young activists, notably within the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Baker advocated for participatory democracy, ensuring that everyone had a voice in the decision-making process. Her approach fostered sustainable grassroots organizations and inspired a new generation of civil rights leaders.

  • Build the People's Power like Stacey Abrams

    Stacey Abrams is a political leader and voting rights activist whose work, particularly through Fair Fight, demonstrates the power of grassroots organization in expanding voter access and creating systemic change.

    Stacey Abrams applied pressure through strategic voter mobilization, advocacy for voting rights, and leveraging her influence in political organizing. She founded Fair Fight Action, an organization dedicated to combating voter suppression, expanding voter access, and ensuring fair elections. Abrams also utilized her platform to raise awareness about voter disenfranchisement, engaging in extensive public speaking, media appearances, and writing to highlight these issues. Her efforts were instrumental in registering hundreds of thousands of new voters and significantly impacting electoral outcomes, particularly in Georgia.

Help us build a black feminist agenda!

No matter where you are in your Black feminist journey, squad up with Black Feminist Future as we organize to liberate our people from the systems that oppress us and deny us our humanity!

Your participation in the Black Feminist Agenda survey will help us develop a platform that will change the lives of Black women, girls, and gender-expansive people just like you.

We’re out to build a strategic and coordinated national wave of Black feminist action! This survey will help us develop and implement our policy, organizing, and movement-building strategies to shift the material conditions of Black women, girls, and gender-expansive people.

Here are the resources you need to get it done:

Step 1:

Make a plan

Step 3:

Support Your Squad 

Step 2:

Vote Down Ballot

  • Visit to download a sample ballot for your state

  • Download a ballot cheat sheet for your state and research your candidates 

  • Look up a voter guide for your local community. You can find voter guides at organizations like the League of Women Voters or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 

  • Visit Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)  to learn more about Fannie Lou Hamer’s efforts 

Step 4:

Apply Pressure



  • A proposal placed on the ballot for voters to approve or reject during an election. Ballot measures can include initiatives, referendums, or constitutional amendments.

  • An individual running for political office.

  • A meeting of party members to select candidates or decide on policy.

  • The body of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body.

  • A person authorized to represent others, particularly in a conference or convention.

  • Down ballot means voting for all the choices on a ballot, even for the positions that are not very competitive.

  • The body of electors established by the Constitution to elect the president and vice president of the United States.

  • Gerrymandering is to manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) so as to favor one party or class. Example: This new district map is clearly an attempt to gerrymander a historically Black congressional district.

  • The current holder of a political office.

  • A process that allows citizens to propose legislation or state constitutional amendments through a petition followed by a popular vote.

  • Elections held halfway through a president’s four-year term, where voters elect members of Congress, governors, and other officials.

  • A person selected by a party to run for election to a public office.

  • Strong allegiance to one's own political party, often leading to unwillingness to compromise with members of the opposing party.

  • Patriarchal violence: a global power structure that manifests on the systemic, institutional, interpersonal, and internalized level. It is rooted in interlocking systems of oppression. Example: Patriarchal violence doesn't just hinder feminism, but it also has the ability to destroy

  • An election in which voters select candidates to run for office on behalf of their party in the general election.

  • An electoral system in which parties gain seats in proportion to the number of votes cast for them.

  • A procedure that allows voters to remove an elected official from office before their term has ended.

  • A direct vote by the electorate on a particular proposal or issue.

  • A state where both Democratic and Republican candidates have strong support, making it a key target in presidential elections.

  • A legal restriction that limits the number of terms an officeholder may serve in a particular elected office.

  • Voter protection means making sure that everyone who is eligible to vote can do so without facing any obstacles.

  • The process by which eligible citizens sign up to vote in elections.

  • The percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election.

Step 1: Make a Plan

Step 1: Make a Plan

Step 2: Vote Down Ballot

Step 2: Vote Down Ballot

Step 3: Support Your Squad

Step 3: Support Your Squad

Step 4: Apply Pressure

Step 4: Apply Pressure

Take the Pledge to Vote Like a Black Feminist!

Join us for our next virtual or in-person event!

View previous watch parties, sign up for an upcoming virtual or in-person event, and download our electoral calendar so you don’t miss a single opportunity to Vote Like a Black Feminist.

Stay Engaged

We encourage you to attend events and join your community to encourage Black women, girls, and gender-expansive people to get involved in your elections!

  • Virtual Training: Join us virtually to get trained on the 4-point guide 

  • Pledge Drive:  Sign the pledge to Vote Like A Black Feminist 

  • Program Registration: Sign-up to attend our political education spaces.

  • Resource Download: Get our Vote Like A Black Feminist resources (voter guide, 1-pagers, toolkit)

  • Digital Engagement: Let’s connect about how you Vote Like a Black Feminist. Use #VoteLikeABlackFeminist, submit video testimonies about why you are a Black feminist voter, participate in our IG live series, reshare posts and tag us

    Use this form to send us a message or you can contact us at!